Committee members are students like yourself but with too much time on their hands:
Co-chairs: Ben Chong and Anlei Lee
Members: Mimi Frusha, Alison Kubota, Sriram Kumar, Christina Stewart
Executive Officer: Krupa Singampalli
In addition, we have cohort reps to make sure that the needs of first year students are taken care of (finance past exam papers, anyone?). They are: Mimi, George Kong and Patrick Fischer.
See if you can identify us by sight when you are at the Haas or Santa Clara campuses. To help you, check out:
The committee’s immediate goals are the following:
a. Outreach
b. Build a one-stop source of information
c. Build a community
The weekly EWMBAA eZine is part of our outreach program. If you are not reading it yet, please do so. It provides a summary of events and news for EWMBA students. With all due respect to Siu Yung and Charlene, if there’s one email in your mailbox you should read, it is this one
We are also trying to make the EWMBAA website ( the jumping off point to get information related to student life, whether it is one of Siu Yung’s Catching Up emails that you missed, CareerNet or the calendar of events at Haas.
Finally, we want to build an online community that will extend beyond the Yahoo! mailing lists and the various blue/gold/axe/oski cohorts. For this, we are working on a web-based discussion forum that will allow students of all years to mingle and talk. We want to break out of the ’08/’09/’10 silos and enable better networking. More information will be available shortly.
If you are reading this blog, the Communications Committee is doing its job. However, that job is never finished and we need your help. This is because all communications is two-way.
We are committed (no pun intended) to listen to your feedback and will keep you up to date with information that is relevant to your life here at Haas.