Sunday, September 27, 2009

Haas Clubbing

The communications committee is reaching out to clubs! We are looking to use the Communications Blog to bring information to the student body in more depth than what we cover in the EZine.

This week I'm highlighting the Women in Leadership Club. They have quite a few events through out the year, which you can check out at their website:

In October WIL is hosting The Berkeley MBA's Women's Workshop with the admissions team on October 31st at Haas. WIL is looking for women to volunteer at the event. I know there are many talented EWMBA student's who would be wonderful representatives of our program. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Monica Khan or Valeria Guirola, WIL VPs of Diversity.

More information about the conference, which is targeted towards prospective students, is available here

Friday, September 18, 2009

The gang's getting back together

The EWMBA Association Leadership (all committee members + officers) are meeting tomorrow for a mid-year meeting at Haas. Typically we meet twice a year, once after the annual elections and once for this sync up. This is the time to checkpoint our work during the past 6 months. We're meeting to highlight our accomplishments as well as areas where there's still much to be done (we're Haas students after all!).

Each committee is expected to make a presentation and we'll even get updates from the Program Office and Alumni Relations.

And, afterwards, the communications committee will adjourn to the local watering hole to continue our discussions on the best ways to streamline information! The debate may rage on until the wee hrs, we may not be as coherent, but we will still be focused with our communications.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Portals and Communication

We in the communications committee are the first to agree that portals could improve communication. This week, we launched a SharePoint eZine portal to submit eZine event and announcement requests.

This will help our group easily compile all relevant events and announcements for the weekly eZine. It also provides you a quick and easy way to submit your request. Check it out and send us any feedback! You could log in using your Haas user name and password (haas\{user name}).

On another note, we are continuing to work with Haas IT and the EWMBA technology committee on our EWMBA portal. A BETA site for the full time MBA portal has launched,, and we plan on creating a similar one but specific to EWMBA students.

We will be sending out an announcement as we get closer to launching the EWMBA portal so watch out for it!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kicking off the New School Year

We are a few weeks into the new school year and the communications committee has seen some changes. Rohan Thompson has transferred to the full time program, and as such leadership of the committee has passed to Div Agrawal along with ongoing co-chair Ramon Lim. We'll miss you Rohan, but we know Div is capable of carrying on the communications torch. Other team members include Naveen Prasanna, Rahul Awasthy and myself.

We're all getting back of the swing of things and one of the initiatives we've decided upon is to start to use the blog more frequently, so expect to see updates from us here. If you'd like to get in touch with any of us in the communications committee, please feel free to look us up in class or via email. We'll all be around on campus on Saturday for the Fall EWMBA executive meeting, and we'd love to hear from you!