We in the communications committee are the first to agree that portals could improve communication. This week, we launched a SharePoint eZine portal to submit eZine event and announcement requests.
This will help our group easily compile all relevant events and announcements for the weekly eZine. It also provides you a quick and easy way to submit your request. Check it out and send us any feedback! You could log in using your Haas user name and password (haas\{user name}).
On another note, we are continuing to work with Haas IT and the EWMBA technology committee on our EWMBA portal. A BETA site for the full time MBA portal has launched, http://portal.haas.berkeley.edu, and we plan on creating a similar one but specific to EWMBA students.
We will be sending out an announcement as we get closer to launching the EWMBA portal so watch out for it!