I'm proud to announce the new members of the Haas EWMBA Communications Committee! We have a great group of folks joining the committee, and already they have interesting and unusual ideas to bring to our discussions. I think you can expect great things from your peers this year.
I'm beginning to feel a little nostalgic for my first year, so I'm glad to be working with all first year students, including my new co-chair Shadab Nazar. In addition, Kevin Krause has enthusiastically volunteered to share blogging duties with me, which means you'll have his unique perspective on the committee and the program as well. We're still working on getting team members photos together, so we'll let you know when the main page is updated with photos so you can recognize us when we are on campus.
Without further ado, the new Committee Members are:
Shadab Nazar 1st year, and Co-Chair of the Communications Committee, Technology Committee Liaison
Anand Pandey 1st year, BLUE - Alumni Committee Liaison
Jeffrey Chen 1st year, BLUE - Admissions Committee Liaison
Monish Sharma 1st year, AXE - Career Services Committee Liaison
Kevin Krause 1st year, Co-Blogger, Community Service and Academics Committees Liaison
Please feel free to send comments and suggestions to any one of the team members!